‘AI site digs up every picture of you online’

February 25, 2024
1 min read


  • PimEyes is a reverse-image search site that uses facial recognition technology to match every photo of a person that’s ever been posted to the internet.
  • Users can pay for a plan to find the source of uploaded images, allowing them to reclaim image rights and monitor their online presence.

Artificial Intelligence has taken a disturbing turn with the development of PimEyes, a reverse-image search site that can find every picture of a person that exists on the internet. The site uses facial recognition technology to match uploaded photos with others found online, enabling users to find images of themselves or lookalikes. While the accuracy of the site’s searches is impressive, users must pay for a plan to access the source of uploaded images, with monthly costs ranging from $29.99 to $299.99. PimEyes claims its purpose is to help individuals monitor their online presence and defend themselves from scammers and identity thieves by allowing them to find and remove unauthorized images of themselves from the internet. Users can set up alerts to be notified when their photos are uploaded online and work with a professional service through PimEyes to remove the images from the source.

Despite its seemingly helpful intentions, PimEyes has faced controversy, with some concerns about its potential for stalking. Critics worry that the technology could be used by strangers to gather information about individuals without their consent, making it a stalker’s dream. PimEyes has laid out strict terms of service to prevent misuse, stating that abusers, such as stalkers or those violating children’s privacy rights, will be permanently banned from the service without the right to a refund.

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