Lessons from Luddites on resisting automation in our future.

February 28, 2024
1 min read


  • Opposing technology isn’t antithetical to progress.
  • We can learn from Luddites about resisting an automated future.


In the article “What Luddites can teach us about resisting an automated future” by Tom Humberstone, the author discusses how opposing technology is not necessarily against progress. Drawing from the historical example of the Luddites, who protested against the automation of weaving in the early 19th century, Humberstone argues that there are valuable lessons to be learned about the impact of automation on workers and society.

Humberstone points out that technological advancements often come at a cost, such as job displacement and social inequality. By examining the Luddite movement, we can understand the importance of questioning the rapid adoption of automation and considering its consequences on both individuals and communities.

Furthermore, the author highlights the need for a more nuanced approach to technological progress, one that prioritizes the wellbeing of workers and promotes a sustainable future. Instead of blindly embracing automation for the sake of efficiency, Humberstone suggests that we should take a critical stance and engage in dialogues about the ethical implications of technology.

Overall, the article underscores the importance of learning from history and incorporating principles of resistance into our approach towards automation in order to create a more equitable and human-centered future.

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